Sunday, April 7, 2019

Resources in Hebrew for kids

I’ve been working for a while to find resources for my kids to be exposed to more Hebrew. I’ve found a number of things that I’m sharing here – hopefully making your life easier and letting you get your kids more Hebrew as well!!

Obviously there is plenty on Youtube
· Parpar Nechmad (they watch at school)
· Rinat and Yoyo – great for Jewish holidays (they watch at school)
· Hop Yaldut Yisraelit – songs
· Specific books – you can find them being read and acted out
But it’s hard to keep track of and much is old, and I wanted to have some only audio options. So here are a few recent finds:

Finally found some podcasts for kids:

Kan also has TV programming for kids in Hebrew from Israeli public television, so current:

Books on tape in Hebrew:

Can buy one at a time or subscribe for a month or 3 to all the books. Can also play at .9 or .8 speed which is helpful for non-native speakers

Also, the Minuteman library network has lots of books and DVDs in Hebrew, though I couldn’t find ebooks or audio books in Hebrew:
So when we do get to that point, I’m hoping to try this Hebrew ebook site:
(though we bring lots of books back on each trip so we have plenty for now)

בהצלחה – Good luck!